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Übersetzungen für zine im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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zine [ziːn] SUBST

e-zine [iːˈziːn] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The book comprises 108 pages of slightly revised text from the original zine (95% of which is retained) along with 162 pages of new material.
The bookstore's collection exceeds 25,000 titles, including a selection of chapbooks, zines, regional literary journals, and one-of-a-kind artist's books.
This could be considered the first zine, since it captures the essence of the philosophy and meaning of zines.
The zine is noted for its in-depth interviews and detailed music reviews.
Selections from his body of work are featured online in a variety of zines, blogs, and collections.
In recent years a number of photocopied zines have risen to prominence or professional status and have found wide bookstore and online distribution.
It has since published widely read articles and zines for the anarchist movement and distributed posters and books of its own publication.
Zines are free in person or sent out for the cost of postage.
In doing so, it formed a networking point for zine creators and readers (usually the same people).
His handwritten print, in which almost all of the zine's issues are written, is very identifiable and is often closely associated with the zine.

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