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Beeb [bi:b] SUBST no pl Brit ugs

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

We can only assume the Beeb will do the artistically honourable thing, therefore, and keep this frightful scene-stealer out of sight come series two.
The Beeb will be secretly relieved she survived.
Not only is the venue's history linked with the bands acronymic doppleganger the Beeb, but there's the palace's dominance of the surrounding area.
The Beeb says the show will include footage, insider facts and statistics from the hugely popular programme's past 13 years.
The 71-year-old bowed out last month after anchoring on Beeb consumer series from 1993 to 2001 and returning in 2009.
Why doesn't the Beeb take the simple measure of appointing some superannuated fact-checkers?
Anyway, the Beeb is perhaps my all-time favourite general news source.
They also know that because of its position, the Beeb will never defend itself as vigorously as it should.
The news will no doubt ruffle more than a few feathers as tensions between the Beeb and the government reach crisis point.
The Beeb could have a hit on its hands.

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