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Übersetzungen für Djiboutian im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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I . Dji·bou·tian [ʤɪˈbu:tiən, Am -t̬iən] SUBST

Dschibutier(in) m (f) <-s, ->

II . Dji·bou·tian [ʤɪˈbu:tiən, Am -t̬iən] ADJ


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Thanks to his perseverance, his atypical, sometimes figurative and sometimes impressionistic and abstract, but always lyrical art, the son became a pillar of Djiboutian arts.
The ride itself costs around 350 Djiboutian franc.
The smugglers of these migrants, when captured by Djiboutian authorities, were transferred to the judicial system for prosecution.
This proved unpopular with the Djiboutian population.
The Djiboutian government has especially focused on developing and improving institutional infrastructure and teaching materials, including constructing new classrooms and supplying textbooks.
It made a number of recommendations to the various international bodies on how to rein in the excesses of the Djiboutian government.
The existence of the money and letters were mysteriously concealed for unexplained reasons to Djiboutian policemen by his wife.
The Djiboutian educational system was initially formulated to cater to a limited pupil base.
Independence day celebrations have taken on livelier forms, with shops decorating their windows in the blue, green, white and the red star of the Djiboutian flag.
A passion that fuelled his numerous contributions to the improvement of the social condition of the Djiboutian artist.

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