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Übersetzungen für Hanukkah im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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Ha·nuk·kah [ˈhɑ:nəkə] SUBST REL


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Hill notes that this might be a reference to the hiding of the Hanukkah lamp to protect it from desecration.
It is said on the first night of Hanukkah, but not for the other nights of that holiday.
The lighting ceremony is often augmented by festivities such as singing, dancing, and traditional Hanukkah foods.
She has an open-ended plane ticket and decides to stay until the end of Hanukkah.
Soon it is Hanukkah and everyone in the annex gathers for the ceremony around the dinner table.
He displayed interest in music at an early age, singing in school choirs and even writing a musical for Hanukkah when he was 18.
He finally opens his parents' Hanukkah card, which contains a message praising him for being a good son.
They have become a traditional Hanukkah food in recent decades.
Hence, if one were to need extra illumination on Hanukkah, the "shamash" candle would be available and one would avoid using the prohibited lights.
These include the laws of tzitzit, tefillin (phylacteries), mezuzot, the holiday of Hanukkah, and the laws of gerim (converts).

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