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Übersetzungen für Portaloo im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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Por·ta·loo® [ˈpɔ:təˌlu:, Am ˈpɔ:rt̬-] SUBST

Miet-WC nt

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Yesterday, the Portaloo door was wide open, with a workman's jacket tied to the handle.
Police said a fire safety investigator's report was not finished yet, but the blaze appeared to have started in a Portaloo outside.
Or you could place some speakers in your garden along with a Portaloo.
The night ended with the most ridiculous moment of the weekend: my drunk friend breaking her toes - by tripping into a Portaloo...
We had a Portaloo delivered to the camp over the weekend but it was confiscated by the police.

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