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Übersetzungen für Provo im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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Pro·vo [ˈprəʊvəʊ] SUBST Brit ugs

Provo kurz für Provisional


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The two branches of the Provo are split into upper, middle, and lower sections.
The property owned by the company in west Provo was approved for purchase by the end of that same year.
By the end of 1852, two years after the arrival of the settlers, Provo had several operating businesses.
During this time, the town of Provo was divided.
Booth began practicing law in 1875, the same year that he became the city attorney for the city of Provo.
The area was referred to as upper Provo, and is also the name of the river running south through the valley.
The county seat and largest city is Provo, which is the third-largest city in the state.

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