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Übersetzungen für Yukon im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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Yu·kon Ter·ri·tory [ˌju:kɒnˈterɪtəri, Am ˌju:kɑ:nˈterətɔ:ri] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The novel takes place in the Yukon Territory in 1893.
In 1898, the Yukon Territory had been separated.
The gold rush was in the Yukon Territory, and this park comprises staging areas for the trek there, and routes leading in its direction.
Contributions to the flora of southwestern Yukon Territory.
He did not visit the Yukon Territory during the campaign and incurred no election expenses other than his deposit.
In 2009 regulatory changes in the Yukon Territory where the brewery is based allowed for distilling.
Materials for a flora of central Yukon Territory.
In the summer of 1965 the discovery of the mine was made and resulted in the biggest staking rush the Yukon Territory had ever seen.

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