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Übersetzungen für acceleration clause im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ac·cel·eˈra·tion clause SUBST Am FIN

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

If a bank loses confidence in a borrower who is in default, it can decide to declare the entire loan due for repayment invoking what's known as an acceleration clause.
If no election is provided for in the acceleration clause, and the debt is accelerated automatically upon default by the debtor, prescription will commence running on default.
As part of this non-brokered financing, warrants are subject to an acceleration clause.
This can be financially risky in many ways, since many loans have acceleration clauses which permit the lender to call the loan due if the property is transferred.
The warrants are subject to an acceleration clause if the stock trades at or above $1.00 per share for ten consecutive trading days.
Acceleration clauses are commonly found in loan agreements that require debtors to make repayment in instalments.
As many loan agreements contain acceleration clauses, the courts have had to consider whether repayment can be said to be voluntary in the context of such loan agreements.
Some have commented on the existing stock of outstanding long-term debt with acceleration clauses that might not qualify under the rule's criteria and have proposed grandfathering as a possible solution.

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