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Übersetzungen für accessory pigment im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Besides chlorophyll "a", there are other pigments, called accessory pigments, which occur in these pigmentprotein antenna complexes.
The pump may have accessory pigments (e.g., carotenoids) associated with the protein.
It is an accessory pigment to chlorophyll.
The photosynthetic action spectrum depends on the type of accessory pigments present.
It is found as an accessory pigment in the chloroplasts of brown algae and most other heterokonts, giving them a brown or olive-green color.
They also make use of accessory pigments including -carotene and diadinoxanthin.
They function as accessory pigments in plants, helping to fuel photosynthesis by gathering wavelengths of light not readily absorbed by chlorophyll.
This could be a result of where in the water column a specific alga resides and a consequent need for greater or less efficiency of the accessory pigments.

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