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Übersetzungen für actus reus im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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actus reus [ˌæktəsˈreɪəs] SUBST JUR

Tatbestand m <-(e)s, -stände>

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Strict automatism is a denial of actus reus and therefore most commonly used as a defence against strict liability offences.
A claim of insanity undermines the voluntariness of either the actus reus or the mens rea.
Where the actus reus is a "failure" to act, there must be a "duty of care".
The actor either knew (intended) or deliberately closed his mind to the risk (recklessness) that his action (actus reus) would result in the harm suffered by the victim.
Although his reckless inattention to the fire could be said to constitute mens rea, it was not associated with the actus reus of setting the fire.
The action element is the actus reus of trafficking.
Only when an actus reus and a mens rea coincided could a person be convicted for his conduct, providing protection against criminal liability for unknowing or unblameworthy conduct.
This is generally true of rules of the criminal law, which ordinarily impose liability only for the actus reus and mens rea of the defendant himself.
An actus reus may be nullified by an absence of causation.
But there are crimes without an act, and therefore without an actus reus in the obvious meaning of that term.

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