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Übersetzungen für adumbration im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ad·um·bra·tion [ˌædʌmˈbreɪʃən] SUBST no pl form

1. adumbration (outline):


2. adumbration:

adumbration (foreshadowing)
Ankündigung f <-, -en>
adumbration (foreshadowing)
Andeutung f <-, -en>
adumbration (sign)
Anzeichen nt <-s, ->

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

There can be no adumbration, there can be no extrapolation, not even second guessing.
It is also an adumbration of the future and thus a time to consider the past and reflect upon the lessons thereof in order to plan for the future.
The matter at hand demands proper illustration and adumbration even, to make it palatable to you dear reader.
Adumbration: media coverage of the test gave the impression of work happening on the case.

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