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Übersetzungen für anatomic structure im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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anatomic structure SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A limitation of multiview videofluoroscopy is the possibility of misinterpreting certain shapes of gaps and anatomic structures.
Excision and reconstruction of facial skin cancers is generally more challenging due to presence of highly visible and functional anatomic structures in the face.
The following table demonstrates this developmental classification and traces it to the anatomic structures found in the basal ganglia.
Sometimes affected persons will attribute the symptoms to sores in the mouth, but these are in fact normal anatomic structures (e.g. lingual papillae, varices).
Second, the development (through evolutionary steps) of an adaptation (an anatomic structure, physiological process or behavior characteristic) that increases the probability of an organism reproducing itself (although sometimes not directly).
These landmarks were used with a brain atlas to estimate the location of intracranial anatomic structures that were not visible in radiographs.
The volume of the anaesthetic-tumescent solution is gradually infiltrated to the pertinent gluteal area, in order to avoid the nerves and the deeper anatomic structures of the gluteus maximus muscle.
Modern portable ultrasound devices allow the user to visualize internal anatomy, including the nerves to be blocked, neighboring anatomic structures and the needle as it approaches the nerves.

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