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Übersetzungen für archegonium im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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archegonium <pl archegonia> [ˌɑːkɪˈɡəʊnɪəm] (female)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The archegonium has a long neck canal or venter and a swollen base.
An archegonium develops within the megagametophyte and produces an egg.
The female organs are known as archegonia (singular archegonium) and the male organs are known as antheridia (singular antheridium).
In land plants, the zygote is formed within a chamber called the archegonium.
When the sporophyte has developed all three regions, the seta elongates, pushing its way out of the archegonium and rupturing it.
As the zygote divides and grows, it does so inside the archegonium.
Eggs are fertilized within the archegonium.
These sporelings develop via an embryo stage from a fertilized egg inside an archegonium and depend on the gametophyte for their early stages of growth before becoming independent sporophytes.

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