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Übersetzungen für bald eagle im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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bald ˈeagle SUBST

bald eagle SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The brown snake eagle is of average size, compared with larger species, such as the bald eagle, reaching only 60-70 centimeters in height.
Fish eating birds such as osprey, bald eagle and cormorant were being poisoned by contaminated fish.
The area provides habitat for raptor species such as the bald eagle.
Following a successful bald eagle program in the early 1990s the refuge hosts a nesting pair of eagles each winter.
Most notable are the endangered peregrine falcon and bald eagle.
The bald eagle which now graces the facade may or may not be the original carving installed when the building was first erected.
Included in this list are the peregrine falcon, endangered whooping crane, and threatened bald eagle.
The bald eagle is one species that uses the river corridor as winter habitat.
The other two dozen nominees included the bald eagle and the bookworm.
This includes the threatened grizzly bear, lynx, bald eagle, bull trout, a rare plant named water howellia, and the endangered gray wolf.

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