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Übersetzungen für balloon out im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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balloon out VERB intr

balloon out dress, trousers, sail:

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

And still apply the same sort of logic, and not balloon out.
Large air bubbles balloon out thanks to fermentation.
The condition, which occurs suddenly, causes the heart chamber to balloon out at the bottom while the neck remains narrow.
The proposal was approved and the castaways made a balloon out of the sails of their ship.
I still can not understand how anyone can allow themselves to balloon out to the sizes of so many passengers on that ship.
The condition, which strikes suddenly, causes the heart chamber to balloon out at the bottom while the neck remains narrow.
But those numbers begin to balloon out of control if all of the people and institutions accused of playing a part in the cover-up are counted.
If the program had not been allowed to balloon out of control, we would not be where we are.
Meanwhile, he and some other boys built a hot-air balloon out of dry-cleaning bags.
The government may have few choices beyond breaking a few union hearts if it's serious about reining in a budget threatening to balloon out of control.

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