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Übersetzungen für bolshy im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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bol·shie <-r, -st>, bol·shy [ˈbɒlʃi] ADJ Brit ugs

patzig ugs abw

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

His huge, bolshy presence on screen is so riveting, so dominant over the other actors, that every genuflection feels portentous no matter the subtleties of what it actually signifies.
They spend their days out at sea looking for fish, even though there are few left (something to do with the deities giving bolshy human beings their come-uppance).
But even though it feels like they are the ones being bolshy, watch your own tone.
A tendency to be bolshy, after that, evolved into an interest in drama.
I'm playing a character who is a bit like me -- bolshy and loud.
It's a kind of bare bones dance ballad, with bolshy pulses and simple-yet-sublime melodies.
I'm quite a bolshy person and normally wouldn't let this worry me but the guy came running at my car and threw a bottle.
This, even now you've pulled it off, seems a little bolshy!
It's the roar at the moment, so stroppy, bolshy stags are roaring at each other across the valley - and that was it.
So why the bolshy bravado, and where does the inspiration come from?

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