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Übersetzungen für bracteole im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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bracteole [ˈbræktɪəʊl] SUBST


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The inflorescence is usually a single, rounded, brownish-black head with densely crowded florets and a hairy bracteole margin.
A prophyll is a leaf-like structure, such as a bracteole, subtending a single flower or pedicel.
Bract/bracteole development begins approximately 12 weeks after the photoperiod is reduced.
During the late period, the bract/bracteole are easily visible to the naked eye.
Bract/bracteole development ends around 5 weeks into flowering and is followed by a period of bract/bracteole swelling.
The male flowers are arranged in clusters of up to 32, each flower held in a cuplike rachilla bract with a two-keeled bracteole.
Male flowers (with a bracteole) consist of 4 rounded-triangular perianth lobes, ca. 1 mm long, with cucullate tips, and 4 non-exserting stamens inserting on a disc.
The staminate flowers are solitary borne, on second and third order branches, subtended by a tiny, tubular, triangular bract and a two keeled bracteole.
The first flower is generally borne on a pedicel, sometimes with a simple, lanceolate bracteole (1.5 cm long).
Each flower is subtended by a bracteole and the corollas are contorted.

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