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Übersetzungen für broken link im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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bro·ken ˈlink SUBST INET

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

And that means we know when there's a broken link in the chain.
Police immediately viewed this as potential evidence and saved the two pieces of broken link.
The site does not appear to be significantly updated since 2008, and has many broken links and display issues.
Furthermore, it has been claimed that the package management index could never become unsynchronized with the filesystem, because references to nonexistent files simply become broken links, and thus become inactive.
The program follows links to other pages, and checks the links on those pages also, so it is possible to check an entire site for broken links in one session.
In case of a permanently broken link, the retransmission has no effect so the number of retransmissions is limited.
Not on daily news... there's a broken link there too.
Striving to restore the broken link between different eras in fact makes us realise how fragile that link really is.
The broken link proved to be the most important piece of physical evidence in the case.
To return home, they have been forced to jump from reality to reality, repairing the broken links in the chain of time.

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