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Übersetzungen für circle graph im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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circle graph [ˈsɜːklˌɡrɑːf] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Every distance-hereditary graph can be represented as the intersection graph of chords on a circle, forming a circle graph.
String graphs, the intersection graphs of curves in the plane, include circle graphs as a special case.
Beginning in the 1750s, he published a series of charts that represent the first instances of line graphs, bar charts, pie charts and circle graphs.
They are a superclass of the trapezoid graph class, and also contain circle graphs and circular-arc graphs.
However, this also occasionally changes to include a more complex line graph, a circle graph, and on one occasion to-date, a graphic unrepresentative of an actual graph altogether.
Several authors have investigated problems of coloring restricted subclasses of circle graphs with few colors.

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