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Übersetzungen für coarsen im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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I . coars·en [ˈkɔ:sən, Am ˈkɔ:rs-] VERB trans

to coarsen sth

II . coars·en [ˈkɔ:sən, Am ˈkɔ:rs-] VERB intr

coarsen voice:


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The general speed of the process ensures it has the potential of densifying powders with nanosize or nanostructure while avoiding coarsening which accompanies standard densification routes.
Their push to identify most voters as self-interested consumers commodifies and coarsens election choices.
The culture of the party has been coarsened.
As metamorphism proceeds, many minerals coarsen and new, metamorphic minerals such as feldspar form.
In "reverse" or "inverse grading" the bed coarsens upwards.
A combination of pressure and heat would probably work better, but heating might coarsen the particles or initiate unwanted chemical reactions.
Normal frictions that arise in any relationship -- a sour mood spoiling a dinner, tension around whose apartment to sleep at -- start coarsening their time together.
All of the previous studies have focused on coarsening the resolution of the final detection.
This appears to represent a general coarsening by silence, and yet another crude element in a depressing campaign.
Thus, by coarsening the variable, we increase sample sizes and achieve better statistical estimation.

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