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Übersetzungen für coherence length im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A good holography laser will typically have a coherence length of several meters, ample for a deep hologram.
The extent of the fringes depends on the coherence length of the source.
The most important parameters of the light source are its wavelength and coherence length.
Similar coherence lengths can be reached with optical frequency combs due to the narrow linewidth of each tooth.
The coherence length defines the width of the correlogram, which again depends on the spectral width of the light source.
Furthermore, because depth resolution depends on coherence length, low-numerical-aperture objectives can be used, enabling large imaging fields of view.
In conventional interferometry with long coherence length (laser interferometry), interference of light occurs over a distance of meters.
Partially coherent sources are sources where the coherence time or coherence length are limited by bandwidth, by thermal noise, or by other effect.
Monochromatic sources are usually lasers; such high monochromaticity implies long coherence lengths (up to hundreds of meters).
For example, a stabilized and monomode heliumneon laser can easily produce light with coherence lengths of 300 m.

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