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Übersetzungen für deposit-taking institution im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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de·pos·it-tak·ing in·sti·ˈtu·tion SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

As a definitional matter, deposits and annuities can only be issued by, respectively, authorised deposit-taking institutions and life insurance companies.
Yet the suspicion that authorised deposit-taking institutions wilfully profit on "float" looks set to persist because, for one thing, it is hard to disprove.
This was modified to apply to the broader concept of deposit-taking institutions.
Lenders in turn seek returns above those available from deposit-taking institutions or from current bond yields.?
They are very appropriately not regulated as deposit-taking institutions because they are not banks and don't take deposits.
For example, money center banks, deposit-taking institutions, and other types of financial institutions may be subject to different (and occasionally overlapping) regulation.
The outlets, which are not deposit-taking institutions but have courted individuals in local communities for personal loans over the years, were also deemed not crucial to its operations here.
It banned taxpayer-backed deposit-taking institutions from engaging in risky investment banking activities such as trading.
The current rights applicable to different deposit-taking institutions will remain intact.
Banks and other deposit-taking institutions provide this function by accepting deposits and issuing debt into capital markets, and then lending these funds on to borrowers, typically at longer maturities.

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