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Übersetzungen für desegregation im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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de·seg·re·ga·tion [di:ˈsegrɪgeɪʃən] SUBST no pl

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

desegregation of schools

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Local, state, and federal courts cases have attempted to bring desegregation and equality to public schools in many different parts of the country.
Outraged national reaction resulted in the desegregation of interstate public transportation.
Following desegregation, this branch library became a repository for government documents.
Following desegregation many of the former schools were scavenged for building materials, converted to other uses, or demolished by neglect.
Among the criticisms of the desegregation program also has been that it weakens city schools by removing talented students to county schools.
The majority of white parents rejected desegregation in schools, and consequently established private white schools, named segregation academies by critics.
In 1955, the court declared that the desegregation process must continue with all deliberate speed.
He was integral in procuring unitary status in the lingering 40-year-old desegregation lawsuit against the school board.
He also called for busing to achieve desegregation in public schools, opposed capital punishment, and supported ecumenism and women's rights.
He marched for desegregation and participated in sit-ins and bus boycotts.

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