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Übersetzungen für doer im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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doer [ˈdu:əʳ, Am ˈdu:ɚ] SUBST aufw

Macher m <-s, ->

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Doer suggested that corporate shareholders should also be allowed to opt out of party donations.
Fret not against evil doers, he says, to vex other men is only to teach them how to vex you.
The doer of the yagya is the human being and the process is offering of the aarck, performing the yagya and doing meditation.
He who thinks that he is the doer, will experience pain and pleasure.
The mind and body act of their own accord, and we are the witness of them, though the mind often believes it is the doer.
They are all, basically, westerners: tough, stoical, doers instead of talkers.
This leads to the radical notion that there is no such thing as a doer.
He is now tuned on the frequency of evil, which enables him to hear evil thoughts and doers wherever he goes.
He is writer as well as a doer.
Doer's government introduced a landmark anti-smoking bill in 2004, banning smoking in all indoor public places and workplaces across the province.

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