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Übersetzungen für earshot im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈear·shot SUBST no pl

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

out of sight/earshot
[with]in/out of earshot
in Hör-/Reich-/Sichtweite

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She is prone to making monologues about her secret identity when she undergoes an internal crisis, often failing to realize that others are within earshot.
She also told everybody within earshot that he was guilty and backed up her accusation by revealing privileged information.
Many dub them madboys or madgirls (but never when one is within earshot).
If the bird is hungry and within earshot, it guides them to a bees' nest.
The skier is within earshot of the people in the boat, providing a good platform for teaching.
He was partly to blame, by spouting opinions better left unsaid or if said, certainly not within earshot of the attentive rowing press.
Although a major battle was raging within earshot, he ordered his troops to bivouac for the evening.
If the entire gathering still can not hear the speaker, organizers ask for additional repetitions by those at the limit of earshot.
Ringing also is used to alert the faithful that there is a monk within earshot in need of alms.
He even does within earshot of his wife, who often retaliates with a measured degree of physical violence.

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