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Übersetzungen für earthquake zone im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈearth·quake zone SUBST

Erdbebengebiet nt <-(e)s, -e>

earthquake belt, earthquake zone SUBST

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

We have built ourselves a house of cards in an earthquake zone but continue to proclaim it is entirely safe to live there.
I'm currently living in a pretty active earthquake zone.
Now it may be used in an actual earthquake zone.
But as visitors to the earthquake zone are only too aware, there is nary a construction crane in sight.
Five additional seismographs were placed in the earthquake zone, and scientists closely monitored the seismic activity.
The town is the most closely monitored earthquake zone in the world because of the regularity and consistency of its tremors.
The things people saw in that earthquake zone.
Still, it's amazing how many of us, especially in an earthquake zone like ours, aren't prepared.
According to the report, there have been 25,470 houses repaired and 15,225 new houses built in the earthquake zone in 2010 and 2011.
The valley is an active earthquake zone crossed by multiple fault and thrust lines.

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