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Übersetzungen für earthwards im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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earth·wards [ˈɜ:θwədz, Am ˈɜ:rθwɚdz] ADV inv


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A flaming meteor fell out of a cloud close by them and plunged earthwards.
They have a characteristic aerial courtship display which culminates in the pair locking talons mid-air and whirling earthwards in series of spectacular cartwheels.
If the midlayer ionization is strong enough compared to the signal frequency, a scatter wave can exit the bottom of the layer earthwards as if reflected from a mirror.
However, the attempt nearly ended in tragedy when the balloon envelope ruptured near maximum height, sending the spherical pressurised gondola plunging earthwards.
Savanna rose to this fresh challenge, whooping as she was catapulted skywards and then thrown earthwards.

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