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en·vi·ron·men·tal ˈhealth SUBST

en·vi·ron·men·tal ˈhealth of·fic·er SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The contaminated wastewater of these businesses flowed back into the pond, creating a severe pollution problem and environmental health hazard.
These services include: leisure, environmental health, housing -- including the provision of social housing and housing benefit and rubbish collection.
Her final assignment was to assist some environmental health contractors in cleaning a filthy, vermin-ridden house.
The training typically requires a university degree with a focus on core disciplines of biostatistics, epidemiology, health services administration, health policy, health education, behavioral science and environmental health.
The IOM is a major independent centre of scientific excellence in the fields of occupational health and environmental health, occupational hygiene and occupational safety.
The plan was built around five key areas of human and environmental health: sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, materials selection and indoor environmental quality.
At ground level, it is an air pollutant, harmful to human and environmental health, and reducing crop yields.
He added that the hotel rooms were poorly ventilated, without fire certificates, environmental health certificate, while four or more persons occupy a room with curtains dividing them.
In addition to being a significant contributor to occupational disease, lead poisoning is also one of the most serious environmental health threats to children.
Flying toilets and open defecation are significant environmental health risks because they expose communities to many of the pathogens and illnesses carried by sewage.

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