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Übersetzungen für exotic dancer im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ex·ot·ic ˈdanc·er SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Initially, she was controversial when details about her past as an exotic dancer were revealed.
She was variously an exotic dancer, a street worker and a coffee house proprietress.
She moonlights as an exotic dancer, that goes on heists on the side.
When they hear that she has been an exotic dancer and even been arrested they treat her like something the cat dragged in.
She left adult films in 1994, after which she performed as an exotic dancer for a few years before dropping out of the public eye.
The person who performs a striptease is commonly known as a stripper or exotic dancer.
She left her family at an early age and travelled abroad, working as an exotic dancer.
The action focusses mostly around one exotic dancer with a facial covering.
She eventually became a successful exotic dancer, traveling from city to city.
Prior to appearing in videos, she worked as an exotic dancer in men's clubs.

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