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Übersetzungen für fellow passenger im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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fel·low ˈpas·sen·ger SUBST

Mitreisende(r) f(m) <-n, -n; -n, -n>

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The event was captured on video by a fellow passenger.
I wasn't sure and decided it was probably a fellow passenger, moving it to access their own bag.
That's why a small gesture of goodwill between strangers on this particular flight was enough to a fellow passenger to tears.
When a fellow passenger asks him about the place, he tells its tragic story, segueing into a flashback.
They swim to shore, where the woman hits the leg of her fellow passenger with a pipe.
It is easier for a kombi to go to town without a driver than without at least one noisy fellow passenger.
And the nun took it all in her stride, sharing a laugh with a fellow passenger as lads wrapped up their song.
Unwanted contact with the driver or fellow passenger after the trip is over.
If not, the 16 bus from the airport is so packed that you'll probably fall in love with a fellow passenger.
A fellow passenger, a 76-year-old pensioner, asks them to stop.

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