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Übersetzungen für filter paper im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈfil·ter pa·per SUBST esp Brit

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The damp sample is then inverted onto a glass slide and the filter paper is removed.
No gelification agent is required as the filter paper provides a solid medium for conduction.
A residue or precipitate in a chemical analysis method can be collected or filtered from some sample or solution on special ashless filter paper.
Second, the filter paper was strong enough to hold all the coffee grounds within the sealed paper.
During filtration, the filtrate enters and is held by the flask while the residue remains on the filter paper in the funnel.
By volume filtration the particles are caught in the bulk of the filter paper.
Oil and water were successfully separated through the use of the filter paper created with an efficiency greater than 96%.
The ashless filter paper is completely burned up in this process.
Most often, this test consists of placing a small strip of filter paper inside the lower eyelid (conjunctival sac).
Technicians absorbed the stain onto wet filter paper and then scratched the rest of the blood material off the wall.

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