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Übersetzungen für fly spray im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈfly spray SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Over-the-counter drugs which may be used by laypersons include anti-parasite drugs (including fly sprays) and antimicrobials.
Other options to control flies and mosquitoes include insecticide impregnated blankets/sheets and the traditional fly sprays.
This has now been resolved and staff on-site have been advised that fly spray should be used for any remaining flies.
He used to tell us not to use fly spray because he didn't want any flies to die.
Went through 2 cans of fly spray and it didn't do anything.
That's when the heat from the fire ignited a fly spray canister in the hallway and there was an enormous explosion.
Everyday products like equine de-wormer or fly spray can also find their way into horse meat.
To get rid of a nest it is suggested to go in after dark and use a chemical - fly spray is said to work.
The ranch and ponies will now have to be doused with fly spray for protection.
If botflies are active, frequent application of fly spray may repel insects.

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