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fly·er SUBST

flyer → flier

fre·quent ˈfly·er SUBST modifier

high-ˈfly·er SUBST, high ˈfly·er SUBST

high-flyer → highflier

Siehe auch: highflier , highflier

high·ˈfli·er SUBST FINMKT


high·ˈfli·er SUBST

1. highflier person:

Überflieger(in) m (f) <-s, ->

2. highflier BÖRSE:

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

frequent flyer
Vielflieger(in) m (f) <-s, ->

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A skilled flyer, the western jackdaw can manoeuvre tightly as well as tumble and glide.
However, it was stated that one solution could be that the companies discontinue their frequent flyer programs.
It consisted of single class seating with no catering, interlining baggage, valet parking or frequent flyer points.
It traumatised the former high-flyer, according to friends.
Various payment options were allowed: major credit cards, mobile phone, hotspot accounts and even frequent flyer miles.
Accruing the frequent-flyer miles that the airline granted to his cello.
Online account providers include financial institutions, stockbrokers, airline and frequent flyer and other reward programs, and e-mail accounts.
The heavy flyer caused the spindle to vibrate, and the yarn snarled every time the frame was stopped.
I have a lot of frequent-flyer miles.
What happens when a former political high-flyer teams up with well-known financial guru to attempt a career reboot?

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