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Übersetzungen für forest clearing im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This is due to man's activities such as forest clearing, soil denuding, developments that destroy autotrophic processes.
Habitat destruction through forest clearing is the main cause of this collapse, and cotton-top tamarins have lost more than three-quarters of their original habitat to deforestation.
Large-scale tropical forest clearing is widely regarded as the process that most threatens primates.
This led to another wave of forest clearing.
Survival in the exposed conditions brought about by forest clearing is physiologically difficult.
It is situated in a forest clearing with a playground, paddling pool and a pleasant buffet.
To thwart resistance to the forest clearing, the men were diverted from their villages to a fictional payment compensation site and loggers were sent to the forests.
Habitat destruction, such as forest clearing for commercial logging, agriculture space, and residential areas, is the most detrimental activity on the distribution of these rabbits.
Most of these immigrants died after a forest clearing spread into a wildfire.
Much of the organic matter swept away in floods caused by forest clearing goes into estuaries, wetlands and eventually into the open ocean.

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