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freck·led [ˈfrekl̩d] ADJ


freck·le [ˈfrekl̩] SUBST usu pl

ˈfreck·le-faced ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Along the midvein there are small red glands that produce a clear sap that results in a freckled-look on both sides of the leaves.
He is described as red haired, somewhat freckled, and broad around the eyes.
As adults, grullos will retain their dark brown eyes and black skin, while champagnes have pinkish freckled skin and hazel eyes.
The clutch of pinkish-white freckled eggs usually numbers 1-2.
She is a freckled tomboy with tooth braces.
The bun, like a sesame freckled breast of an angel, resting gently on the ketchup and mustard below, flavors mingling in a seductive pas de deux.
While horses with white markings may sunburn on exposed unpigmented skin, the freckled-pink skin of a champagne horse is said to tan instead.
The skin is bright pink and the eyes bright blue at birth, darkening to freckled and hazel with age, respectively.
At birth, the skin is bright pink and the eyes bright blue, darkening to freckled and light brown or green, respectively, with age.
The tubular base of the flower is surrounded by a reddish-green freckled calyx of sepals with small, pointed lobes.

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