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Übersetzungen für free vote im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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free ˈvote SUBST Brit POL

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Let the elected representatives vote on the issue with a free vote according to conscience.
In 1924, the government introduced legislation to replace prohibition with the government-owned and -operated liquor stores and heavily-regulated beer parlours, and subjected it to a free vote.
It is no good saying -- as some will -- that this wasn't a "rebellion" because it was a free vote.
He supported the ending of capital punishment on a free vote in 1956.
However, not all deputies are elected by the free vote of the people secret and democratic voting.
In 2013, before a free vote, she said marriage should be only between a man and woman.
I think it would be very wise, if they've got any statescraft at all, if the leadership of the party gave people a free vote.
On 2010, with the two main parties allowing their members a free vote, the ban was passed 68 to 55, with 9 abstentions.
The bill was defeated in a free vote.
In practice, the governor-general, chosen by free vote of sitting members of parliament, functions as a de facto non-executive president.

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