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Übersetzungen für garrote im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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I . gar·rotte, Am gar·rote, garotte [gəˈrɒt, Am -ˈrɑ:t] SUBST

II . gar·rotte, Am gar·rote, garotte [gəˈrɒt, Am -ˈrɑ:t] VERB trans

to garrote sb
to garrote sb (with a garrote)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They were found guilty and sentenced to death by garrote.
The left wrist of his armor contained a thin adamantium-alloy garrote wire.
Or on creeping up behind a sentry and disposing of them quietly with the garrote wire.
The victims' underwear was occasionally found around their necks, presumably used as a garrote.
In one of the videos, a man pretends to garrote a victim before dumping his body in a bin.

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