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Übersetzungen für ghettoize im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ghet·to·ize [ˈgetəʊaɪz, Am -t̬oʊ-] VERB trans

to ghettoize sb
jdn g[h]ettoisieren geh
to ghettoize sb

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

But most of these revolutionary ideas remain ghettoized in their subcultures, where they are hidden from the people -- the families -- who need them most.
Why is one ghettoized as a quirky comedy, while the other gets to be a grimly realistic drama?
Now they're looking at possibly just building a new city for them, but then in effect you're just further ghettoizing that community.
I won't even try to unpack the implications of wanting to ghettoize an entire section of society.
The city will have to grapple with all three of these processes to ensure its future isn't economically ghettoized.
Creating an office to take care of anglo affairs might ghettoize the community, he said.
It's a city for rich people on one end and ghettoized, frightened suburbanites on the other.
Most companies build siloed digital teams, and usually when you do this, it ghettoizes them.
One of the things we need to avoid is ghettoizing indigenous knowledge.
Organizers only allow rides to be organized in public areas for maximum outreach, not in established or ghettoized areas.

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