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Übersetzungen für glasnost im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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glas·nost [ˈglæznɒst, Am nɑ:st] SUBST no pl POL


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The second volume, published in 1990, came out of the new era of glasnost and a thaw in relations between the two superpowers.
Until the era of glasnost, freedom of expression did not entail the right to criticize the government.
Up until 1985 and the beginning of glasnost, it was illegal to publish statistical data on alcohol sales.
The rise of nationalism under glasnost also reawakened simmering ethnic tensions throughout the union.
Though glasnost advocated openness and political criticism, at the time, it was only permitted in accordance with the political views of the ruling powers.
Glasnost hastened awareness of the national sovereignty problem.

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