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Übersetzungen für gobbledegook im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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gob·ble·dy·gook, gob·ble·de·gook [ˈgɒbl̩diˌgu:k, Am ˈgɑ:bl̩-] SUBST no pl abw ugs

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Many pension companies still address their customers in financial gobbledegook.
I know one recent graduate who submitted 100 pages of postmodernist gobbledegook, written pretty much at random, and no one suggested a single change.
This at least provides some entertaining examples of gobbledegook.
Two police forces have been accused of using gobbledegook to bury bad news.
The space mining talk amounts, however, to no more than hot air and gobbledegook.
Is this just management gobbledegook produced to sugarcoat poor performance?
If they bury news in gobbledegook then it is more difficult for the public to understand what is going on and hold them accountable.
The issue here is as much accounting gobbledegook as a matter of real concern.
It's the kind of meaningless gobbledegook we hear all the time from the people who run our world.
I suppose it was the gobbledegook and the mixture of live action with puppets.

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