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Übersetzungen für grave robber im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈgrave rob·ber SUBST

Grabräuber(in) m (f) <-s, -; -, -nen>

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Starting to look like we can identify the sick one, never seen so many responses from the grave robber, may have touched a nerve.
Shortly after the burial, a grave robber (often a corrupt sexton) disinters the body with the intent of stealing the ring.
They often inhabit great tombs or temple complexes, destroying would-be grave robbers.
The four cave niches contained twelve ossuaries, of which six had been disturbed by grave robbers.
The site has been heavily looted by grave robbers.
The grave robber sneaks into a crypt and immediately searches through a coffin for valuables.
Grave robber, welcome to the world of commercial automotive journalism.
The efficacy of its complaints procedures has been likened in usefulness to those of a grave robber in a crematorium.
The thought of exhuming the final resting place of a former grave robber is irresistibly appealing to them.
Inspired by southern-gothic and western cinema references, this video follows the mysterious journey of a grave robber as he drags a coffin toward a brutal conclusion.

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