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Übersetzungen für grotty im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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grot·ty [ˈgrɒti] ADJ Brit ugs

1. grotty (bad quality):

grotty hotel, room
grotty hotel, room
grotty souvenirs

2. grotty (in a bad state):

grotty clothing
gammelig ugs
grotty clothing
abgesandelt ugs A
grotty clothing
vergammelt <-er, -este> ugs CH
grotty jeans
to feel grotty

3. grotty (filthy):

dreckig ugs

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

grotty souvenirs
grotty jeans
to feel grotty

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The grotty lace curtains, peeling front doors and grimy windows interspersing the smart, done-up houses, were dead giveaways.
How many lves saved so no one knows your grotty secrets?
I remember endless expanses of grim industrial estates, baking heat, and a grotty municipal camping site.
Catcher has a puerile, disgusted fascination with nose-picking, toenail clippings, grotty teeth, razors clogged with hair and lather.
How are trees an eyesore compared to that grotty looking house?
If they're staying for a week or less, simply allow the house to get grotty over their stay and sort it out when they've left.
It may be in keeping with the area's grotty reputation, but it hardly fills passengers with hope or joy.
Play that day was grotty and combative; it was marred by unsportsmanlike conduct and rough play.
Hawks was a perplexing enigma wrapped in a grotty flannel shirt, a mysterious character with no virtual footprint or sense of smell.
He also referred to the city as doggy and grotty.

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