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Übersetzungen für gynecologist im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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gy·ne·colo·gist SUBST Am, Aus

gynecologist → gynaecologist

gy·nae·colo·gist, Am, Aus gy·ne·colo·gist [ˌgaɪnəˈkɒləʤɪst, Am -ˈkɑ:l-] SUBST

Frauenarzt(-ärztin) m (f) <-es, -ärzte; -, -nen>

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He comes from a very wealthy family, including a successful gynecologist father, and a large house with servants.
In 1922, he opened a private practise as a gynecologist.
From 1914 to 1922 he worked as a surgeon, gynecologist, and obstetrical aide at a clinic.
Contraceptives disappeared from the shelves and all women were forced to be monitored monthly by a gynecologist.
Its purpose is to provide expert support to obstetricians, gynecologists, and reproductive health professionals.
Thus, the combined duration of training for female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery is seven years after medical school for both urologists and gynecologists.
This interval might be increased to every 23 years for certain people on the advice of a gynecologist.
When the gynecologist discovers it is an elephant he has to look at, he freaks out and nearly runs away.
For example, the government has set quotas for female pediatricians and gynecologists and has made it difficult for women to become civil engineers.
When she saw a gynecologist for abnormal bleeding in 1965, his diagnosis of uterine cancer came as a complete shock to her.

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