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Übersetzungen für haem im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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haem Brit, heme Am [hɪːm] SUBST

Häm nt
haem protein

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

haem protein

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A number of the members of this family have been designated adhesins, filamentous haemagglutinins, haem/haemopexin-binding protein, etc.
In contrast to bilins, haem and chlorophyll carry a metal atom in the center of the ring, iron or magnesium, respectively.
The large domain consists of an anti-parallel beta-sandwich and a short haem-binding peptide, which form a three-layer structure.
The oxygen dependent enzyme haem-oxidase has also been put forward as a hypoxia sensor.
The rupture of the erythrocytes results in the release of free haem into the blood where it is bound by haptoglobin.
Bfr forms a roughly spherical, hollow shell from 24 identical subunits, incorporating 12 haem groups.
The molecule usually exists as a dimer, each monomer folding as a four-alpha-helix bundle incorporating a covalently-bound haem group at the core.
These enzymes are commonly hemoproteins and the haem cofactor is the site of the oxidation-reduction reaction shown above.
His-25 is the fifth haem iron ligand.
The fifth haem iron ligand is always provided by a histidine residue.

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