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Übersetzungen für hieroglyph im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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hi·ero·glyph [ˈhaɪ(ə)rə(ʊ)glɪf, Am ˈhaɪroʊ-] SUBST

Hieroglyphe f <-, -n>

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The inscription is composed of ten vertical rows of hieroglyphs, separated by vertical lines.
The phrase comprises three hieroglyphs: the triliteral sign for "ankh", meaning life, the biliteral sign "wedj", and the alphabetic sign "s".
While they search for his body, they find footprints that lead to a slipper, inside of which they find another note with a purple hieroglyph.
It was also the writing system first taught to students, knowledge of hieroglyphs being limited to a small minority who were given additional training.
The hieroglyph shows a hoisted sail, curved because of wind filling it.
There is an obelisk nearby, carved with hieroglyphs and borne on the back of four tortoises.
The hieroglyphs for "nedjem" and "bener" are similar and so is their meaning.
Other scarabs with this title have variations of what hieroglyphs are added or omitted because of the multiple copies made of this "scarab series".
The other hieroglyph word entries of entry 9 to 20, have about fifteen further references, all starting with the km hieroglyph.
Hieroglyphs representing celebration, a child, and dancing respectively.

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