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Übersetzungen für hipster im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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hip·ster [ˈhɪpstəʳ, Am -ɚ] SUBST

1. hipster ugs (person):

Hipster m <-s, -> ugs

2. hipster (trousers):

Hüfthose[n] f[pl]

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The entry for hipsters defined them as characters who like hot jazz.
The group also modified its public image, shedding its alternative hipster look for a more subdued appearance.
Hipsters, emo and rockers are around in large numbers.
Some analysts contend that the notion of the contemporary hipster is actually a myth created by marketing.
The media often conflated hipster aesthetics with the short-lived mid-2000s geek chic craze.
In the rejection of the conformism wrought by industrial society, the hipster valorizes individual acts of violence as infinitely preferable to systematic violence.
Sneaks' is a well-known local venue for alternative culture and indie rock, attracting a diverse crowd of writers, artists, serious music fans, and contemporary hipsters.
The hipster designation implies the neighborhood's high proportion of people between 25 and 34 years old who use public transportation and rent their housing.
Their argument is that the contemporary depiction of hipster is generated through mass media narratives with different commercial and ideological interests.
The brand was also embraced by skaters, punks, hipsters, and other street subcultures.

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