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Übersetzungen für hummock im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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hum·mock [ˈhʌmək] SUBST

Hügel m <-s, ->

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Strange hummocks are found in this area which were debris piles created during coal mining operations more than a century ago.
An ice hummock is a boss or rounded knoll of ice rising above the general level of an ice-field.
Recent research on cryogenic hummocks has focused on their role as environmental indicators.
A lot of ancient plants grew in the garden, and there lied a hummock in hind part.
The other sediments eroded away, while the more resistant oolite weathered into hummocks, small arches and other intriguing natural sculptures.
It is one of the two hummocks that gave the name of the island.
It is difficult to make generalizations about hummocks because of the diversity in their morphology and sedimentology.
The volume and height of hummocks is mostly dependent on their location; the closer to the source region, the larger they become.
Because hummocks can both form and disintegrate rapidly (well within a human lifetime) they are an ideal landform to monitor for medium range environmental change.
Trapped between the freezing surface soils and the buried permafrost layer the soil material is forced upwards into hummocks.

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