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Übersetzungen für hunt out im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

That practice has changed - but poachers continue to hunt out pangolins.
After being handed a case, you must drive to the crime scene, hunt out clues and follow any leads that are revealed.
The mouse doesn't hunt out of hunger -- scientists are in control.
They also used sniffer dogs believed to have been trained to hunt out cash and drugs.
Many consumers are also becoming increasingly adept at online shopping, and will use the net to their advantage to hunt out an even better deal.
Hunt out that which interests you and avoid that which doesn't...
The time has come to hunt out those who have poached our rhinos.
You have to hunt out specific places -- the nice places.
Hunt out bottles and casks in pubs, independent off-licences, farm shops and delicatessens.
Natural predators such as monitor lizards, seabirds, pythons and other predators would hunt out the feral chickens with the most domesticated traits.

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