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Übersetzungen für infimum im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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infimum MATH
Infimum nt

infimum limit SUBST

infimum limit MATH
infimum limit MATH

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In this case, the infimum is set intersection, and the supremum is set union.
The problem can also be formulated as a distortionrate function, where we find the infimum over achievable distortions for given rate constraint.
The dual concept of supremum, the greatest lower bound, is called infimum and is also known as meet.
Obviously, when since the infimum is taken over a smaller class as decreases.
This function is unbounded both from above and from below, so its supremum and infimum are and respectively.
The supremum of finite sets is given by the least common multiple and the infimum by the greatest common divisor.
This order has the desirable property that every subset has a supremum and an infimum: it is a complete lattice.
The symbols inf and sup denote the infimum and supremum.
As the last three examples show, the infimum of a set does not have to belong to the set.
The "optimal upper bound" is the infimum of all upper bounds.

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