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Übersetzungen für language laboratory im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈlan·guage la·bora·tory SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A multi-media language laboratory is shared by modern and classical languages.
Four public computer laboratories are accessible to students, with several more departmental labs available and a dedicated language laboratory.
An additional wing was added in 1963 providing nine classrooms, a reading laboratory, a foreign language laboratory, a music room, and a study hall.
These include language laboratory facilities.
In addition, a language laboratory and a demonstration room were built.
Nonetheless, the school extended the new wing in 1999 and undertook renovation and classroom reshuffle in order to facilitate the setting up of its multimedia laboratory and language laboratory.
In 1985 the school acquired a computer laboratory and language laboratory.
The school now has 36 classrooms, a language laboratory, a commerce room, two computer laboratories and six science laboratories.
The tape recorders in use after the early 1970s in the language laboratory were more complex than those in the home, being capable of multitracking and electronic remote control.
The school uses the college's faculty in arts and sciences, as well as in education, its library, language laboratory, science and computer laboratories, arts spaces, and sports and recreation facility.

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